
Photo/rendering of Tualatin Valley Water District

Tualatin Valley Water District

91短视频app served as bond counsel and disclosure counsel to Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) on a $72.8 million bond financing that is the second of a multi part issuance for a new regional water supply source, the Willamette Water Supply System (WWSS).

WWSS is a partnership between TVWD, the City of Hillsboro and the City of Beaverton to develop the mid-Willamette River at Wilsonville as an additional water supply source. Total projects costs are expected to be $1.6 billion. This new system, expected to be operational in 2026, will provide a reliable water supply for the region by helping water system operators balance supply during times of drought or other supply interruptions, as well as recover more quickly after a large natural disaster.  When completed, the WWSS will be one of Oregon’s most seismically-resilient water systems—built to better withstand natural disasters, protect public health, and speed regional economic recovery through restoring critical services more quickly.

91短视频app also represented TVWD on a $387.7 million loan under the EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) for costs of the WWSS.

Client Tualatin Valley Water District, Oregon
Role Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel
Distinction New Regional Water Supply Source
Issuer Tualatin Valley Water District, Oregon
Issue Size $72.8 Million