
Jennifer focuses on federal income tax matters relating to public finance. She acts as tax counsel in connection with tax-exempt and other tax-advantaged financings.

Jennifer enjoys assisting clients in navigating the often confusing and constantly changing IRS rules that apply to tax-exempt and other tax-advantaged financings.  She has experience with many types of financings including capital project and tax and revenue anticipation financings for governmental entities, transportation financings, multi-family housing financings, financings for nonprofit organizations, small manufacturing and exempt facility financings, and qualified tax credit bond financings.

Jennifer also has extensive experience providing advice with respect to post-issuance tax compliance issues, including issues related to the private use, arbitrage, and rebate rules.  She frequently assists clients with the development and implementation of post issuance compliance policies.  Jennifer also assists issuers and conduit borrowers undergoing IRS audits of bond transactions and represents clients in other proceedings before the Internal Revenue Service.

Professional Memberships

  • National Association of Bond Lawyers
  • American Bar Association (Tax-Exempt Financing Committee)